Description of the painting by Alexandra Saykina “Children’s sports school”

Description of the painting by Alexandra Saykina Childrens sports school

We see girls in their usual occupation. Before us are gymnasts. In the gym, everything is quite ordinary. On girls almost identical swimsuits. The only difference is in their color: some are black, others are white, and others are red.

In the center of the picture is a young gymnast in a bright red bathing suit. Her posture is especially proud. You can read joy and pride on your face. All the girls look at her with easily guessed envy. Without further ado, it is clear that before us is the undoubted leader.

If we look at the background, we will see a coach in a blue suit. She is totally absorbed in teaching girls. Each heroine of this canvas is depicted very clearly. You can feel a special love for these characters of the artist herself. The viewer feels that Saikin respects the undoubted achievements of these gymnasts.

The picture shows us how a true trainer can raise worthy students. It does not require anything special. It’s just important to put a piece of your huge soul into your students. It should achieve excellent results. This is achieved by painstaking work with each pupil. Only then in sport is guaranteed undoubted success.

The canvas is impressive realism and incredible veracity. The image is as accurate as possible, and all contours are very clear. It really is captivating. Today, artists such a style of writing is not so common. It really captivates and, like a magnet, draws our gaze to this unusual creation of a real master.

Impressive incredibly juicy tones, which abounds in this canvas. Each color is as bright as possible. It seems that the whole picture is illuminated by warm sunlight. When you look at this realistic creation, the audience has a really joyful feeling. Saikina is a real sorceress who has managed to write such a life-affirming picture.

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Description of the painting by Alexandra Saykina “Children’s sports school”