Description of the painting by Alexander Popov “Suzdal”

Description of the painting by Alexander Popov Suzdal

Alexander Popov is one of the best masters of the brush, who created portraits and landscape compositions. A vivid example of this is the painting “Suzdal”. The artist presents to our gaze a winter picture of the outskirts of the city.

The author of the canvas depicts a very interesting time – early winter. If you take a closer look, then among all the snow-white beauty you can see the recent breath of autumn – the few remaining yellow leaves on the trees. In general, the entire outskirts of the city is covered with fluffy bluish-white snow. It can be seen small trees and bushes. In the background, many bushes and trees, dressed in snowy clothes. And in the blue sky you can see a yellow summer lightning.

The artist very naturally conveyed all the colors of winter. From the picture breathes tranquility and silence. Fluffy white snowflakes covered everything around, winter nature falls asleep and it seems that the snow is about to crunch underfoot. All this grace of the domes of cathedrals on both sides of the picture completes. And how well the master of the brush chooses the paint: the snow white and blue he harmonically combines with golden yellow.

The bluish snow only underlines the blue of the church walls, and the golden baths of the temples shine and shimmer with celestial yellowness. And the sky itself is combined with the general background of the picture. This beauty of Suzdal is amazing and gorgeous. It seems that the outline of the cathedral, which is on the right, has changed by the time of year and according to the position of the sun. I must say that the artist gave Suzdali some kind of magic and enchantment.

Popov so naturally conveyed what was happening with paints and clearly prescribed all the details, which sometimes it seems that this is not a picture at all, but a high-quality photo taken by a professional. We wonder how the painter noticed all this and feel the presence of the artist himself, because not everyone will be able to see the beauty in the seemingly ordinary.

Description of the painting by Alexander Popov “Suzdal”