Description of the painting by Valentin Serov “Rinsing clothes”

This picture of Serov V. A. shows two female figures who came to the shore of a small river to wash dirty laundry. Washing and maintaining cleanliness in the house has always been women’s

Description of the painting by Raphael Santi “Fornarin”

The word “Fornarina” in translation means “baker”, and their beloved Raphael was obliged to the profession of her father. There are two versions of the legend about it. The first one says that Raphael

Description of the painting by Nicholas Roerich “Star Hero”

Throughout his life, Roerich devoted himself to the search for an ideal world, studying the beauty of the Universe through sacred treatises of various beliefs. His teachers were the monks of Tibet, India and

Gustave Courbet painting description “Woman with a parrot” (1866)

The canvas was presented at the Paris Salon in 1866 and immediately won success with the audience, who were always attracted by the beauty of the naked female body. There is an assumption that

Description of the painting by Peter Rubens “Venus and Mars”

Peter Paul Rubens – author of the painting “Venus and Mars”, size 133×142. Venus is known as the goddess of love, in Roman mythology. Mars is known as the husband of Venus. Rubens became

Description of the painting by Mikhail Nesterov “Mountains”

Mikhail Nesterov – one of the participants of the association of traveling exhibitions. Coming from a merchant family, from childhood he abhorred all kinds of trade. The young man occupied art and literature. Fortunately,

Description of the painting by Kazimir Malevich “Suprematic composition”

This picture is a blue rectangle, located on top of the red color of the beam. The composition was written by Malevich in 1916. This is one of the rarest and most expensive works

Description of the Soviet poster “Chatterbox – a find for a spy”

The phrase: “Keep your mouth shut” is known to everyone. It was used before, it is valuable now. In the last century during the war it was very important to keep silent about what

Description of the painting by Nicholas Roerich “Pigeon Book”

Roerich is one of those rare artists who is trying to understand and analyze philosophical and complex issues through his works. The artist mainly focused his attention on the description of the originality of

Description of the painting by Andrei Matveyev “Portrait of I. A. Golitsyn”

Andrei Matveyev – one of the first Russian artists who received education in the field of art in Western Europe, where he as a member of a group of other students was sent on
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