Description of the painting by Peter Williams “Ride”

Peter Vladimirovich Williams was born in Moscow in the family of a scientist. His grandfather was the famous American engineer Robert Williams, who remained in Russia in the middle of the nineteenth century. Initially,

Description of the painting by Edgar Degas “Gladilschitsy”

One of the founders of impressionism. With his canvases he manages to bring the viewer closer to the image depicted in the picture so much that, even without knowing the plot, we understand, and,

Description of the painting by Salvador Dali “Basket of bread”

Dali still knew how to shake his art. Not for nothing, he was recognized as a genius immediately after the first exhibition. The truth is, not all were recognized, but only those who could

Description of the painting by Francisco de Goya “Mach naked”

Among the paintings of Goya, the diptych “Maha dressed” and “Mach naked” is fanned by the greatest mystery. Legend has it that the pictures depict the same woman, the mistress of the artist, the

Description of the painting by Jacques-Louis David “Self-portrait” (1794)

This picture shows us the character and appearance of Jacques-Louis David, how the artist himself felt. He wanted the audience to recognize in him a man of strong-willed, restrained, passionate and inclined to spiritual

Description of the painting by Igor Grabar “Winter Morning”

The painting was written in 1907. This is a work of impressionistic style. It seems that it is not written in colors, but woven from the finest lace. At first it is even impossible

Description of the painting by Vincent van Gogh “Haystacks in Provence”

1888; canvas, oil; 73.0×92.5; Kröller-Muller Museum. The period of life in Arles is characterized in the works of Van Gogh by an abundance of landscape painting. In his paintings, he tried to capture the

Description of the painting by Salvador Dali “Bengal Tiger”

Pictures of this Spanish artist painted in the style of surrealism. This is a flight of fantasy without frames and restrictions, where everything is clear at the level of intuition. Often, completely new parts,

Description of the painting by Mikhail Vrubel “Walking on the waters”

Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel, a prominent artist, an artist of the nineteenth century, worked in all possible genres of fine art, but women’s portraits created by him were especially famous. Canvases devoted to well-known biblical

Description of the painting by Vincent Van Gogh “Vase with flowers and coffee pot and fruit”

Vincent van Gogh is a representative of post-impressionist painting. This direction was distinguished by its desire to depict the essence of reality, a natural element of the environment, and the social state of life
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