Description of the sculpture by Michelangelo “Bound Slave”
In 1513-1516, Michelangelo made 2 sculptures made of marble: “The Dying Slave” and “The Bound Slave”. The latter, many contemporaries nicknamed “The Risen Slave” for the impulse of the figure depicted to freedom. Here
Description of the sculpture by Michelangelo Buanarrotti “Bacchus”
Buanarroti Michelangelo created the sculpture “Bacchus” from marble or it is also called “Drunk Bacchus”. It reaches a height of two meters three centimeters. This was the task of Cardinal Raphael Riardio in 1497.
Description of the painting by Michelangelo Buanarroti “Madonna Doni”
The easel canvas by Michelangelo, which is the only one preserved in fully finished form until today. This is a tdo, in which the artist depicted Mary, Joseph, Christ, and John. The painter creates
Description of the painting by Michelangelo Buonarroti “Persian Sibyl”
Unlike the Libyan Sibyl, its “ally” according to the predictions of the Persian Sibyl lived in the East, which can already be understood from its name. She bore the name of Sambet and in
Description of the sculpture by Michelangelo’s “Tomb of Lorenzo Medici”
Michelangelo Buonarroti is that rare type of creator, whose works have received the greatest glory during the life of the author. The son of an impoverished nobleman, he was proud of his lineage. The
Description of the painting by Michelangelo Buonarroti “Libyan Sibyl”
Semi-turned, with an open folio in hand, one of the five Sibyllas – the Libyan one – appears to the visitors of the famous Sistine Chapel. Like each of them, the Libyan Sibyl also
Description of the sculpture by Michelangelo Buanarroti “Pieta Rondanini”
This sculpture was the last work of the master. Almost until his death, he actively worked on its creation. The composition is two-figured. We see Mary and Christ merged into one. The proportions of
Description of the painting by Michelangelo Buanarroti “Leda and the Swan”
The story of the creation of the painting “Leda and the Swan” is shrouded in mystery. The myth of the girl Leda and the swan, which took the form of Zeus. Once Zeus was
Description of the painting by Michelangelo Buanarroti “Crucifixion of Christ”
Many of the works of genius have been lost. This applies to his paintings, which did not survive in battle with time. Many can only guess from the written information of authoritative contemporaries of
Description of the painting by Michelangelo Buanarroti “Eritrean Sibyl”
The fifth sibyl is Eritrea. In another it was called Gerophila. Her parents were Lamy and Apollo. She is mentioned more than once in the books of Moses. This Sibyl predicted to the Greeks