Description paintings by Edward Manet “In the cafe”

Description paintings by Edward Manet In the cafe

The main plots of many paintings by Edward Mans are different sketches that take place in a cafe. At that time, these places were also clubs. Men first ate enough, and then spent time playing an exciting game of dominoes or billiards. The ladies, meanwhile, drank traditional plum or cherry tinctures. Other women were completely not allowed to drink other drinks in a public place, and they were also forbidden to smoke. If a woman did that, then it was thought that she was fairly easy-going.

Manet himself was also the regulars of many Parisian cafes of the time. He came here not only to eat, but also to meet with friends. Here they gathered regularly to talk, argue about painting or literature, to discuss all the latest news. Sometimes there were even quarrels, which sometimes ended in fights. Many famous and aspiring writers and artists gathered here.

In the painting “In the cafe,” the viewer sees a completely everyday scene. A certain lady, whose facial features are practically not spelled out in detail, came to the cafe to drink cherry liqueur. Judging by her clothes and hairstyle, she is rich enough. In the cafe, besides her, there are many visitors, but they merge into certain color patches.

The picture is quite light. Manet used a lot of white and black. It is worth noting some monotony. Here you will not see the riot of colors. Is it necessary though? The characters are not spelled out, but this is not necessary. The scene is quite ordinary, easily recognizable for every resident of Paris. Her extraordinary charm is precisely in this everydayness. It turns out that in everyday and seemingly unremarkable, there is also a peculiar beauty. It is really worthy to become the plot of a truly ingenious creation.

Description paintings by Edward Manet “In the cafe”