Description of the sculpture by Francois Auguste Rodin “Eternal Spring”

Description of the sculpture by Francois Auguste Rodin Eternal Spring

Imagery and symbolism, perhaps, this is the basis of the sculptural group “Eternal Spring” by Auguste Rene, a French sculptor, whose heyday came in the late 19th century. The rhythm of life, the foundations of society, changed, and the artist felt impending changes before others. His art is original and innovative.

“Eternal Spring” – represents the awakening of feelings. The sculptural composition was created on the basis of the author’s real experiences during the period of being in love with Camila Claudel. His power of desire, unstoppable passion found embodiment in marble. Under the magic hands of the master, the lifeless stone breathes, as it were, conveying the rapid heartbeat of the lovers.

Looking at the sculpture, we see a meeting of boys and girls in the park. Their bodies are naked and aesthetically perfect. A young girl completely surrenders to the power of feelings, her

body is open, her right arm is thrown back behind her head, she trusts her chosen one all over herself. Rodin, working with models, insisted that they should not pose, but behave at ease. He tried to grab those fleeting gestures: head tilts, body twists that tell feelings more than words. The sculptor caught moments, imprinted them in drawings, and then materialized them in stone.

The body of the young man is perfect: smooth lines, elastic muscles, perfect torso. In his body skillfully conveyed a complex movement, a passionate rush. With one hand, he adheres to the crown of the tree, the second – vigorously attracts his beloved. His head bent over the girl’s head thrown back, his lips ready to merge in a passionate kiss. Working on a male figure, Roden relied on the first feeling that came over him at the sight of Camilla. He remembered forever not only her blue delightful eyes and a shock of red hair, but also the quivering sensation that enveloped him.

“Eternal Spring” – a delightful hymn of love, sung by Rodin.

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Description of the sculpture by Francois Auguste Rodin “Eternal Spring”