Description of the painting by Vasily Maksimov “The future artist”

Description of the painting by Vasily Maksimov The future artist

By origin a peasant, Vasily Maksimov, soon became interested in painting. The peasants in his paintings are not just barefoot people in poor clothes, but above all, inspired faces, true emotions and the best qualities of the Russian people. The boy, lit by the bright summer sun, standing at the wall of the temple is fascinated by the same occupation as the expert himself used to be. Little Vasily painted where he could: on the stove, on a piece of paper, on the walls. Passion for drawing awakened the mother of the future artist, who patiently washed the walls and brought paper and pencil.

Spending time in the village, Maximov established friendly and warm relations with the peasants, who agreed to pose for him. Residents missed him on long departures, and when they appeared they were treated like a dear guest.

And Maksimov especially loved peasant children, whose images sound sincere and deep. This is a living, filled with light, the picture is thought out and experienced, the enthusiastic figure of the boy is not static, she lives in motion.

The work “The Future Artist” was written by one of the last in 1899. When new realities come to replace the old ways of life, artistic preferences change. Maximov is in need and poverty, continuing to talk about the Russian people in his works.

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Description of the painting by Vasily Maksimov “The future artist”