Description of the painting by Vasily Baksheev “Blue Spring”
It is incredibly difficult to paint landscapes, because the artist will not be able to convey a complex philosophical meaning, it will not be possible to make the audience laugh by faces and plot.
In the landscape, the artist has only the natural beauty of nature, and it is necessary to be able to use it. Vasily Nikolayevich Baksheev managed to convey personal emotions through nature in his painting “Blue Spring”.
The first thought that may arise in the head is “why the spring is blue.” But as soon as the picture is presented before the eyes, it becomes immediately clear. All attention is taken by the clear azure sky.
In the painting of Baksheyev, the sky occupies a little more than half of the picture. It is covered with rare birch branches, but it is still the main thing in this picture. The artist managed to find the right color for this sky. It is not light blue, not blue, it is crystal, pure
Vasily Baksheev managed to portray the early spring. Trees still stand without leaves. Flowers are just starting to flourish. Although the sun is not visible in the picture, but it is felt in everything. Trees are standing around the world, the sky is overflowing.
The artist showed us not a dense forest, but a birch grove. Where are the thin birches, as if only awakened from sleep. If you mentally go into this grove, you can hear the nightingale whistle, feel the freshness of the breeze and the scent of spring.
Landscapes are difficult to break through and be remembered by the audience. After all, sometimes it seems that there is nothing special in them, we can observe such pictures every day, no need to go to museums to look at the next written landscape of some artist. But “Blue Spring” crashes into memory, the viewer will certainly remember this blue sky and this mood, which Vasily Nikolayevich Baksheev conveyed to us.

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