Description of the painting by Titian Vechelio “Flora”

Description of the painting by Titian Vechelio Flora

Around the painting “Flora” by an eminent Venetian artist of the High Age or, in a different way, the late Renaissance of Titian, disputes have long ceased. Initially, the authorship of this masterpiece was attributed to another famous artist of that time, but then the researchers agreed that the canvas still belongs to Titian’s brush. But the identity of the heroine has remained a mystery to many. It is known only that the real Venetian is depicted in the picture.

This is a blooming young woman of extraordinary, even somewhat idealized beauty. She has long golden hair, falling in a wave on feminine shoulders, and soft fair skin. The girl’s head is tilted, her face is thoughtful, beautiful with a healthy blush, the dreamy gaze of dark velvet eyes is directed to the side, and a certain half-smile is frozen on her lips. Her whole appearance suggests that the beauty is absorbed in her thoughts.

And at the same time, her face seemed to glow from the inside with some mysterious fire. A woman who is falling from one shoulder with a pale pink dress is supported by a chubby left hand. With her right hand, the lady as if stretches us a bunch of spring flowers. That is why the picture is called “Flora” – the name of the ancient Roman goddess of spring and flowers.

Looking at the young beauty one can only guess who she really was. Perhaps this bride of someone, if you take into account her shirt, similar to the wedding dress. Similar tunics at the time wore brides as a symbol of purity and purity. Art critics also point out how the fingers of a beautiful woman are folded, saying that this is a sign that she will soon part with innocence. Some believe that the picture, on the contrary, depicts a selling woman, a courtesan.

However, one cannot nevertheless deny the similarity of the heroine with the Roman goddess of spring. Perhaps the artist painted it, imagining ancient motifs in his head, and therefore the image of a young woman turned out to be so sublime and as if divorced from reality. But no matter who this beautiful lady is, one thing is clear – her attractive sensual appearance has become a true embodiment of femininity, which few can leave indifferent.

Description of the painting by Titian Vechelio “Flora”