Description of the painting by Nikolay Krymov “Dawn”

Description of the painting by Nikolay Krymov Dawn

Krymov wrote his Breaking Dawn in 1912. The picture is written in a kind of idyllic style, a bit unrealistic. The artist seems to be trying too loftily to present the ideal nature. He does not tolerate any flaws and shortcomings.

The author deliberately creates such a “toy” green landscape, this motif he supposedly borrowed from some kind of sonnet or legend. Perhaps the author wanted to show some area of ​​not really existing terrain, but part of his subconscious, created by him in the image of a forest landscape, where he could put his thoughts in order.

It seems that we find ourselves in a made-up reality with transparent, spring water, which completely replicates the shade of the azure sky, and bushy, lush green vegetation hanging above the ground and lush sheaf trees.

In this paradise, two animals took to drink and, apparently, to hunt. Very narrow palette of colors that filled the canvas. Mostly come blue and green strokes in various combinations and combinations. These tones well convey the atmosphere of tranquility and pacification of the forest wilderness, where no man’s foot has walked. The most natural shades of nature in the sky and lush foliage help us to feel the freshness of the morning air.

The plot of the picture is simple, but it impresses with its simplicity and prosaism. You can not blame the picture of a lack of harmony, but you can not call it filled. The artistic embodiment of flourishing nature, of course, succeeded.

The image turned out more decorative than natural. The lines on the canvas are not clearly defined, the figures are absorbed with each other, forming a solid forest. The earth, covered with moss, parting and icy, crystal clear water flows out of its depths. We can hardly consider the details, neither the treetops, nor the foliage, nor the outlines of wild forest animals are clear.

Description of the painting by Nikolay Krymov “Dawn”