Description of the painting by Nicholas Romadin “Village Khmelevka”

Description of the painting by Nicholas Romadin Village Khmelevka

Romadin’s painting “Village of Khmelevka” from the famous cycle “Volga Russian” is distinguished by a special color in the artist’s works. Despite the dull, expressionless shades and sad notes, caused by the image of the Russian village, to the gloomy melancholy of this in the artist’s landscape, there is an invisible feeling of sincere love for their native places. No wonder, the researchers of the painter’s creative heritage called him a true poet of Russian landscapes.

From the landscape view of “Khmelevka Village”, a picturesque view of a small village, which begins right at the foot of a large hill, opens before us. The houses located in a valley between hills covered with yellow-green grass look very tiny. In the foreground are three slender birch trees, with yellowish autumn leaves.

The master arranged the village in the background and led it through the entire canvas, surrounding it with low autumnal golden trees. The horizon line was lost somewhere in a grayish haze. A cloudy sky high tent stretched over the village. Soon, the crane keys would cross his field, leaving behind melancholy and cold.

At the same time, the main color of the canvas is rather tender, very reminiscent of a carpet woven by a golden thread. After all, the color scheme of the master is represented by various shades of gold: from virtually white to juicy orange, rich copper and dark brown. These soft, smoothly flowing each other shades so well in harmony with the shades of green, light blue and gray. Therefore, the landscape canvas “Village Khmelevka” causes a feeling of calm and peace, joy, and at the same time gives a slight sadness. The viewer has a feeling of quiet joy for his “gentle homeland”, which seems to be not quite noticeable, but so dear and close.

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Description of the painting by Nicholas Romadin “Village Khmelevka”