Description of the painting by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin “Noon”

Description of the painting by Kuzma Petrov Vodkin Noon

We see a grand canvas. The artist was able to depict contemporary peasant Russia. It arises, as if from some wonderful mist. It is simply impossible to cover the whole earth with a glance, it is so huge.

The artist looks at the fields, hills, rivers and woods from a great height, it seems that he is floating along with the birds. From there, Petrov-Vodkin contemplates Russia. Details of the landscape alternately measured. One picture replaces another. The people live and work on this immense land.

A cutting plot on this canvas is missing. Here are combined phenomena and actions that are completely unrelated to each other externally. The viewer sees the peculiarities of peasant life. All its phases pass before us, from birth to death. If you take an individual, then all events take place sequentially. But if you look at the life of a huge people, then all events take place simultaneously.

The artist does not depict any one village, but the land as a whole, inhabited by the people. That is why he departs from external reality. The painter looks at the ground from above. But people are not depicted from a height, but from the side. Action people are completely unrelated. But they are all united by color and a grand scale. The gentle shade of the earth and sundresses harmonize with the delicate colors of the earth. This color is characteristic of the people who inhabit this vast land.

Paint paintings slightly muted. They are impressive cleanliness and special dullness. It is likely that the creation of this could be a mural of a monumental nature.

The artist unfolds the immense theme of Russia in this masterpiece. He demonstrates motherhood, love, life of people, death. In Russia, it is always noon. Before us is not the reality that the artist sees from a height or from the side. This is some kind of a fairy tale into which the world is turning.

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Description of the painting by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin “Noon”