Description of the painting by Ilya Mashkov “Strawberry and white jug”

Description of the painting by Ilya Mashkov Strawberry and white jug

Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov is a Russian (Soviet) artist of the twentieth century. All his work is a confirmation of the broad Russian soul. We know more than one thousand of his paintings. These are portraits, subject-thematic works, landscapes and, of course, still lifes.

The still life “Strawberry and White Jug” was written in the last years of Ilya Mashkov’s life (1943). Throughout his work, the painter painted his paintings in different directions: avant-garde, post-impressionism, Fauvism, etc. And only at the end of his life and creative career does the artist strive for realism in his canvases.

Mashkov’s canvases have become more understandable to the unsophisticated spectator. Now ordinary people see in the pictures the beauty of the world without hyperbole and hidden meaning. It is possible to evaluate the skill of the painter on the part of his accuracy of brush strokes and the use of light and shadow.

Looking at the “Strawberry and White Jug” canvas, the viewer experiences positive emotions. The painting depicts the gifts of summer. The year was fruitful because the artist describes an abundance of summer berries.

Large, juicy fruits of strawberries scattered around the table randomly and are the “main characters” of this still life. Also on the table there is black and white currants, which adds additional color to the canvas. Raspberries are lost among other berries. And of course, on the canvas depicts a white jug. It certainly seems to the viewer that he is filled with something, perhaps it is water or milk. White jug fits perfectly into the artist’s still life. It complements the harmony of the picture and completeness.

The background of the picture is made in beige and brown tones. Poor furnishings and table decoration indicate that this is the home of ordinary peasants rejoicing at the fruits of their hands and the generosity of the Russian land.

Description of the painting by Ilya Mashkov “Strawberry and white jug”