Description of the painting by Gregory Ostrovsky “Portrait of Cherevina”

Description of the painting by Gregory Ostrovsky Portrait of Cherevina

Ostrovsky’s painting dedicated to Cherevina is one of the most famous works of the artist. Ostrovsky himself with trepidation and admiration embarked on his work, since the Cherevins’ family is an integral part of his artistic creation. The picture is notable for its particular realism and the vision that Ostrovsky put in his work. The artist carefully studies every detail of the representatives of the Cherevins’ family with whom he worked.

Ostrovsky, to describe the portrait Cherevina uses extremely soft and smooth bends, sunlight. In the picture, you can see the smoothness in the transition from shadow to light, perhaps the artist specifically used this technique, and perhaps the character of the model corresponded to the shades used by the Russian artist.

The painting depicts a young lady of advanced years, rather the mistress of the Cherenov family. The expression is soft and bright, and the smile is rather restrained. The artist uses clear lines and bright details that can be seen in the eyes of the viewer. Carefully spelled out every detail of the young lady, who so long and carefully prepared for the demonstration. Red bows that emphasize romance and gaiety, merge with the severity of the face and a conscious, focused facial expression.

The artist managed to convey the feelings that he felt while working on this portrait. No wonder, Ostrovsky was ranked as the most gifted portrait painter, because he conveyed the real feelings of the models, without unnecessary embellishment. The main goal of the Russian artist is to bring to the viewer only the real feelings and thoughts of the models. The artist does not use the technique of too rough transition of light and shade to show the viewer what the famous Cherevin family, in which he served, actually was.

Description of the painting by Gregory Ostrovsky “Portrait of Cherevina”