Description of the painting by Fedot Sychkov “Skating from the mountains”

Description of the painting by Fedot Sychkov Skating from the mountains

Fedot Vasilyevich Sychkov’s painting “Skating from the Mountains” is the embodiment of the village spirit. Sychkov was born in the Russian family, but showed an incredible interest in Mordovian culture and history. It was the Mordovian merry festivals that were embodied on the canvas “Skating from the Mountains”.

The artist depicted the usual winter day. In the hinterland of the great and immense Russia, Mordovian girls and young men decided to go to the festivities. This is an interesting and unusual world, which now seems to be a wonder. People have fun in nature, riding with snow-covered mountains.

The picture shows us the vitality, ease and tomfoolery villagers. In the center of the picture there is a large wooden sleigh, which is covered with soft straw. Three girls are sitting on top, a guy is rolling behind, standing. Their faces are full of life and joy. Girls red-cheeked, smiling. The artist managed the impossible – to convey the infectious laughter of youth.

This canvas shows us unusual outfits of Mordovian culture. Women’s heads are covered with painted, bright scarves with an unusual pattern. Such shawls protect their head, neck and shoulders from the cold, winter cold. Unusually, men also wear a neck scarf. One of the riders had warm yellow and black striped socks on, which is also an unusual piece of clothing for a person from a Russian village.

Through the whole picture runs a long, winding path along which young people ride. Work is full of life and movement. None of the figures seem static, posing. It seems that in one instant the sleigh with the skaters will fly out of the canvas.

The artist uses the technique of contrast. The cold white winter is contrasted with the bright, carefree life of the village people. Their traditional costumes stand out against the background of snow and create relief relief.

Description of the painting by Fedot Sychkov “Skating from the mountains”