Description of the painting by Claude Monet “The Beach at Purville”

Description of the painting by Claude Monet The Beach at Purville

“Beach in Purville” – a picture of one of the most talented French artists – Claude Monet, written in 1882. She enters a series of canvases that were painted during the period when the artist lived in the small resort town of Purville, located in northern France.

The artist loved to depict the water element, which once again confirms this picture. The agitated sea in the painting “Beach in Purville” is filled with blue, blue, gray, greenish and white colors. It throws onto the white sandy beach and the rocks are small, foamy waves.

But the sea space in this picture Monet is not boundless and boundless, as the marine painters like to depict, on the contrary, the French artist surrounded him from different sides with white shores. Even if you look into the distance, we will see towering white rocks everywhere.

The color scheme of the sea is very soft, it smoothly turns into a blue sky with white, airy clouds. The beach is completely empty, there is not a single person on it – only the endless sea, rocks and the heavenly surface.

When viewing a picture, the viewer has mixed feelings: on the one hand, the picture causes kind, positive emotions and romantic experiences and charges with inspiration – this is facilitated by the bright colors of the canvas. On the other hand, because of its emptiness, there is a slight feeling of excitement and anxiety.

It is possible that the author wanted to show the approaching change of weather – from favorable and clear to cloudy. As if a downpour and storm is about to begin, the frothy waves will no longer be so small and harmless.

Since 1906, the painting “Beach in Purwil” was acquired by the Polish National Museum. But in 2000 it was stolen. Fortunately, 10 years after the theft, the canvas was found and returned to the museum in Poznan, where it is now. This is the only original painting by Claude Monet, which is stored in Poland.

Description of the painting by Claude Monet “The Beach at Purville”