Description of the painting by Arkady Rylov “Field ash”

Description of the painting by Arkady Rylov Field ash

The painting was painted by a famous landscape painter and Russian artist in 1922. In it, the author used the rich colors of paints, trying to convey the beauty of summer Russian nature. Noon. Hot summer. In the foreground are pictures of umbrellas of simple but bright tansy field inflorescences.

Otherwise, it is called field rowan. A variety of summer flowers, against the background of lush grasses and blue sky, that one just wants to run barefoot through them and feel the smell and expanse of all Russian nature. On the left and right in the picture are young and slender birches, whose crowns sway in the wind.

A river of deep blue color, delineated by steep banks, is, as it were, a crossing line between fields. In the background is a motley grass field. A narrow strip of trees, merges with the silent sky horizon. And the sky? Amazing, covered with air and puffy clouds that run through it, playing, racing with each other. One can see the calm expanse of the river, the bank of which is overgrown with thick and lush grass. Somewhere in the grass, right along the shore, they tilted their branches of birch into the water. Thick thickets of green shrubs are visible on the opposite side of the river.

Space and freedom, breathe easily and freely, and remove the field rowan from the picture and it will acquire a different meaning, but not the one that the author wanted to convey to the viewer. Russian land fills the picture of the author with the unique emotions of the viewer. To understand this you need to see and feel.

In the picture, everything is so vivid and close to every Russian person that, one can say, the author did not miss when he painted this amazing work. The change of colors from rich green to yellowish-red, and then to dark orange, gives joy, beauty and admiration for our Russian and multifaceted nature.

Description of the painting by Arkady Rylov “Field ash”