Description of the painting by Apollinaria Vasnetsov “Autumn Leaves”

Description of the painting by Apollinaria Vasnetsov Autumn Leaves

As you know, Vasnetsov loved the Russian nature and portrayed it with particular trepidation. He not only conveyed what he saw on his canvases, but also sought to let the viewer understand what he was thinking and what was disturbing him.

Autumn is a sad time. Nature is preparing for a long winter. It is raining and already cold enough. But this time is charming, because right now the trees are colored with bright colors. They try on yellow, orange and reddish outfits.

We see in the picture Vasnetsov depicted a corner of the native nature. In the front dress maple branches. The tree grows on the bank of the river or pond. The outlines of the reservoir can only be guessed, since the artist deliberately does not prescribe this detail. In the distance you can see a village that is lost in a magical haze. All this becomes the backdrop for bright leaves. They are important for the artist.

Vasnetsov skillfully uses a palette

of colors. His canvas is saturated with yellow, orange and red. The grass is still green, but it is only here and there seen through a motley carpet. The sky is quite dark. It is covered with heavy clouds and low clouds. Despite this, we do not create an oppressive impression of this picture.

Vasnetsov’s creation is incredibly cheerful. He was able to convey to all of us his impressions of the seemingly ordinary picture of nature. People passed here every day, but no one could notice the charm that the painter saw. It turns out that beauty is hidden in the ordinary. You just need to notice it. In this, perhaps, is the true skill of a subtle artist.

Nature for Vasnetsov is beautiful at any time of the year. We understand that the painter loved autumn. If she casts boredom on others, he sees her quiet charm. Right now, nature is becoming truly fabulous and vibrant. Thanks to this picture, the viewer begins to look at quite familiar leaves, which are really wonderful, in a different way.

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Description of the painting by Apollinaria Vasnetsov “Autumn Leaves”