Description of the painting by Alexander Golovin “Autumn”

Description of the painting by Alexander Golovin Autumn

Golovin’s delightful landscape compositions cannot be confused with any other works. So, in the painting “Autumn”, combining the fabulous and real, the master of the brush creates an amazing autumn symphony.

This canvas is a peculiar painting panel, besides it is decorative, in which the mythical unites with reality. When we thoughtfully look at the golden velvet foliage, a long-standing myth comes to mind, which tells us from time immemorial about how Zeus-Thundermaker descended to Danae in a golden rain.

Autumn at Golovin is golden and sunny, very beautiful. It seems that the leaves on the trees shimmer in different colors, and then fall to the ground, covering it with a velvet rustling carpet. We are pleased with the yellow and scarlet dresses of autumn, but most of all the artist decorated it with gold. Maples and birches stretch toward the sky, and through their peaks rays of warm sun shine through the territory

of Pavlovsky Park. And in the midst of this chic decoration a marble statue whitens by a lonely sail.

Gorgeous snow-white marble as if immersed in the luxury of autumn nature. Around, everything shines and sparkles, and the clean air and slightly emerald green grass, covered with leaves, frame a garden sculpture in which a graceful figure of a woman is guessed. We see on the disco-shaped pedestal not only the feminine beauty, but also the folds of clothes, which emphasizes the mastery of the artist’s handwriting. And all this is presented by the master in the enchanting “frame” of the rays of the sun, which come from God to the warm spirits.

No wonder Alexander Golovin became famous as a “theater curtain poet”, because in the painting “Autumn” it is emphasized that the artist perfectly mastered the art of creating captivating natural “frames” that symbolize the transition from reality to reflection on the canvas.

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Description of the painting by Alexander Golovin “Autumn”