Description of the painting by Alexander Benois “Versailles. Walk the King “

Description of the painting by Alexander Benois Versailles. Walk the King

Alexander Benois showed great interest in the art of Russian and European Baroque since childhood. He sought to achieve a synthesis of Western European trends and some elements of traditional Russian folk art. He began to draw in kindergarten. The atmosphere in the house contributed to its artistic development.

From 1896 to 1899, Benoit lived in Paris and visited Versailles. It was then that he began to study the era of Louis XIV. Benoit created a whole series of paintings dedicated to Versailles. It was difficult for him to express all the beauty of the park in one or two works. He wanted in his images to reconstruct the magnificent past of Versailles. Benoit perfectly understood the events of the past and was able to see things through the eyes of a man of the 20th century.

In the work “Versailles. The King’s Walk “nature and history are manifested in indestructible eternity. Architectural buildings, statues and alleys preserve the memory of the creators and owners of the Versailles ensemble. In the works of Benoit Versailles is presented as an image of an entire era. Versailles gardens are one of the finest examples of French architecture and design that have survived.

The picture conveys the unique atmosphere of the park. Almost half of this image is occupied by a gray sky. Most likely, at that time there was fog, but the rays of the sun persistently shine through it. Alley, dividing the park into two parts, goes far into the distance. Small ironic figures of the king and his courtiers enliven this landscape. The king is depicted as a departed old man who is being carried in a wheelchair. While one young courtier carries the king, the two are talking about something, going behind.

The picture is painted with watercolor and gouache. A line made with a pencil, add volume to the image. Now you can admire the picture in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.

Description of the painting by Alexander Benois “Versailles. Walk the King “