Description of the painting by Nicholas Roerich “Sadko”
Nicholas Roerich left after his death an incredible number of works dedicated to the heroes and their great deeds. The work of “Sadko” is a large panel, which was included in the […]
Nicholas Roerich left after his death an incredible number of works dedicated to the heroes and their great deeds. The work of “Sadko” is a large panel, which was included in the […]
The name of the artist Serov is familiar, probably, to every Russian person. The author of the famous “Girls with Peaches” is considered one of the most popular and famous artists of […]
The Negro Woman, which was so different from Repin’s usual letter form, was created in Paris under the influence of the works of the famous Fortuny, whom the author adored. Repin did […]
“Jupiter and Io” – a picture of the Italian Renaissance artist Antonio Allegri known as Correggio. She is in the Vienna Museum of Art. The picture was conceived after the success of […]
Paul Cezanne, the author of a large number of still lifes, called his masterpiece simply – “Still Life”. Before us is quite colorful, colorful work of the greatest creator of the brush […]
Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin wrote his next masterpiece, which has the name “By the Sea”. In this picture, he maximally reveals all the beauty of the forest, which lies on the expanses of […]
Rubens is a Flemish painter, master of Baroque – his paintings represent practically the essence of this style. He is cheerful, bright, with a lot of details, they celebrate life and glorify […]
Self-portrait written by Frida Kahlo during the post-accident recovery period. Her health deteriorated markedly in 1944. The unbearable pain in the spine caused her to wear a steel corset. Forced to endure […]
Romadin is a Russian artist, born in the family of a railway worker. At the beginning of his career, he wrote on historical themes, then rethought his work and switched to landscapes, […]
The painter Ilya Repin was known as a great music lover. He subtly felt the harmony of sounds, admired the musicians, and made close friendship with them. Anton Rubinstein was among the […]