White background, black square. What is special or difficult? At first glance, absolutely nothing. Everyone can draw a similar picture, you say. But, surprisingly, the picture of Malevich “Black Square” has become a mystery
The painting “Burlak” (1870) is one of the works that preceded the appearance of the large-scale and famous canvas by Ilya Repin “Burlaks on the Volga”, a portrait of Canina’s haulers. For the first
Isaac Levitan is a Russian painter of the 19th century, the turn of the 20th century, known for his paintings reflecting the beauty and the whole essence of Russian nature. Pictures of Levitan began
In the picture, the author tried to depict a great historical event – the Battle of Trafalgar. This bloody battle took place between Great Britain and the French-Spanish army. The naval battle entered history
The painting “On the Balcony”, owned by the famous Russian painter Konstantin Andreyevich Somov, was painted in 1901. The canvas is painted with oil paints in the style of symbolism. At this time, the
The famous expressionist Edvard Munch was among the first artists who discovered a new direction. Expressionism was a current, the main idea of which was artistic means to express strong emotional experiences. Many connoisseurs
Isaac Levitan is a fairly well-known artist, who became famous for the fact that his paintings combined the simplicity of style and the unusual transfer of the image. “Dandelions” – this is probably one
The widely known “Sonata of the Sea” is a “suite” of three paintings by Ciurlionis, which is considered to be one of his most beautiful works. The musicians call the sonatas of the play,
Makovsky was always concerned with the costumes of people, namely the princely nobility. Women’s dresses 15-17 centuries. was very bright. The shirts that were on top were always made of bright fabrics. The sleeves
One of the most famous works of the Russian artist V. A. Tropinin is the “Lacemaker” canvas. The author created it at the age of 47, in the year of receiving his freestyle (1823).