Description of the painting by Henri Matisse “Red Room”

The French Fauvist Henri Matisse in 1908 wrote another canvas commissioned by Sergei Schukin. Fauvism as a new artistic direction did not exist for long, but managed to express itself quite brightly in the

Description of the painting by Vasily Kandidsky “Lake”

Vasily Kandidsky is a Russian émigré artist who left his homeland in 1896. His artistic career began in Germany at the age of 30 years. The heyday of artistic career falls on the years

Description paintings Alexei Savrasov “Volga. Dali

The artist painted a large number of paintings and sketches, where the main character was the great Russian river – the Volga. Master lyric landscape, Savrasov admired the river at any time of the

Description of the painting by Ivan Kramsky “Self-portrait”

I. N. Kramskoy – is a Russian artist, famous for the fact that in 1863 he became the leader of the famous “Riot of Fourteen”, when 14 young artists defiantly left art school, refusing

Description of the painting by Paul Cezanne “Still Life with a Jug” (Still Life with Drapery)

Paul Cezanne wrote the painting “Still Life with Drapery and Jug” in 1899. Experts attribute this still life to the style of cubism, which began to develop during these years. The canvas presents a

Description of the painting by Arkhip Kuindzhi “Landscape”

The picture was created by the artist during his creative searches. Kuindzhi in the 1970s begins experimenting with light. He is interested in the ability to accurately convey the natural lighting of the landscape.

Description of the painting by Rembrandt Harmenz van Rijn “The Sacrifice of Abraham”

The picture was created in 1635. According to the biblical story, Abraham was supposed to sacrifice his son Isaac at the command of God. The hero did not hesitate for a minute. The rite

Description of the painting by Peter Rubens “The Four Philosophers”

The picture of this gifted and talented artist has a special meaning and value for Rubens himself. “Just Lipsius and his students” is another name for this canvas, and the peculiarity lies in the

Description of the painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder “Saint Catherine”

This picture is the central part of the triptych “The Martyrdom of St. Catherine”, made by Cranach in 1506 – when the artist had already worked for several months at the court of Friedrich

Description of the painting by Fedor Reshetnikov “Arrived at the holidays”

The painting “Arrived on Vacation” by Fedor Reshetnikov is a work whose popularity among the author’s works is comparable only with the painting “again two”. In 1949, she even won the Stalin Prize. The
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