Description of the painting by Pablo Picasso “Lovers”

The picture was created in 1923 in oil on canvas. Picasso is a brilliant artist who left his artistic legacy, striking its uniqueness. The works of the great artist do not meet analogues. Understand

Description of the painting by Karl Crivelli “Madonna and Child”

The plots of the icons are displayed in some paintings by artists who have no direct relationship to the clergy. One of such works can be considered “Madonna and Child” by the brilliant Venetian

Description of the painting by Alexey Savrasov “River Bank”

Savrasov amazing landscape painter. It would seem that this is depicted on the canvas? Just something bank of the river, which is open to the open, but a little further begins a mixed forest.

Description of the painting by Peter Rubens “Anna of Austria”

Rubens was very hard to draw Anna of Austria, wife of King Louis XIII of France. Four portraits eloquently tell us about this. Now it is difficult to say exactly at what time they

Description of the painting by Paul Cezanne “The Coast of Marne”

Cezanne is called a post-impressionist – learning from the Impressionists, spending time in their society, participating in their exhibitions for some time, he still remained himself without acquiring the habits of his colleagues. In

Description of the painting by Amedeo Modigliani “Self-portrait”

The Italian sculptor, who is also known to us as an artist, Amedeo was one of the first Italian painters who traveled to Paris and back. He was friends with Matisse, Conto, Apolliner, Picasso.

Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “River in the forest”

In the famous landscape painting of I. Levitan, his modest place is occupied by the painting “The River in the Forest”. Place paintings in the works of Levitan modest only in comparison with the

Description of the painting by Pierre Auguste Renoir “Julie Manet with a cat”

Julie Manet is a famous French artist who has known many famous portrait painters since childhood. At a young age, Pierre Auguste Renoir wanted to paint her. The girl was a versatile child, she

Description of the painting by Raphael “Donna Velat”

Canvas “Donna Velata” famous painter Rafael Santi wrote during the heyday of his work. At that time he was 32 years old. In his art, he departed from the theme of religion and subjects

Description of the painting by Peter Rubens “Return of Diana from the hunt”

Rubens preferred to paint on various plots of ancient times. Particularly attracted his goddess Diana. The fact is that the myth about her connected at once two topics. One of them is hunting. At
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