Description of the painting by Julius Klever “Winter landscape”

Description of the painting by Julius Klever Winter landscape

This artist more than once in his work addressed the topic of depicting rural life, but for the most part did not depict people, but landscapes. One of them was the picture about winter. It was impossible not to love the Russian land, with all its charms and quirks.

On the canvas we see a typical village in the winter. Somewhere over the roofs of houses, a thin stream of smoke flows straight into the sky, dissolving in it without a trace. This means that in the houses of the people, logs in the stoves are already cheerfully cracking in order to bring some heat to each hut. The sun is already setting, which means each house has already waited for its owners, the sky is illuminating a huge glow.

In the foreground, the artist brought out a wide and large tree. It is completely naked and black. Among the empty road, it seems even more lonely than usual. It can be judged that it is the artist himself who associates himself

with this tree, which is also divorced from the people of his native land. And such lonely evenings, especially in winter time, have already become familiar to him.

We see that all the puddles are covered with a thin crust of ice. It is enough to step on them, and the ice will break. This means that a thaw has arrived. But what does thaw mean in winter? Anyway, the sun shines, anyway, that the weather is good outside. It does not get any warmer.

The road swept over, and this means that somewhere now a person cannot get through high drifts without waking Mother Nature without disturbing her. Everything is asleep, and this dream is deep – until the spring, everything around will be dormant, and not to change this course of events for a person. If we talk about the general mood of the landscape, then everything is depicted quite realistic.

Often art critics notice that winter paintings are dull and colorless. Indeed, for many authors, they seem to be somehow dull, almost black and white. This cannot be said about our artist. He portrayed the snow in all its riot of colors and modulations, in addition, an additional color stain is created just due to the aforementioned glow. The brush strokes are quite wide and confident, the artist clearly traced even far-placed objects.

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Description of the painting by Julius Klever “Winter landscape”