Description of the painting by Alexei Savrasov “Sunset over the swamp”

Description of the painting by Alexei Savrasov Sunset over the swamp

The picture was created in 1871.

Savrasov was formed as an artist at a time when landscape as a genre was only becoming in Russian painting. The Wanderers were pioneers. And it was very difficult to become them.

In the early landscapes of the painter, landscapes are still filled with an incredible spirit of romanticism. Although already at this time one can feel in him a true realist.

We see in the picture those features that were inherent in the landscapes of Central Russia. This is felt not only in the type of the area itself, but also in the special charm of the immense plains.

Since the 60s Savrasov is being shaped as a realist. He already clearly represents. What tasks and methods should such landscapes have? In 1862, the painter saw the English landscapes, which made an incredible impression on him.

We have before us the usual swamp, of which there are quite a lot in the Middle Belt of our country. It would seem that the picture is completely ordinary. But with all this, the artist fills it with a completely new sound. Sunset in a special way highlights every detail. The viewer sees an incredibly grandiose picture in which many shades are combined. The prevailing dark shades do not create a depressing impression. We clearly feel that a thunderstorm will begin very soon.

Pink reflections foreshadow a strong wind, but until they become bright spots of the painting, which somewhat enliven it. Savrasov could feel the incredible power of a simple picture of nature, which is incredibly strong in its special charm.

It would seem that everyday ordinary landscapes begin to sound completely different, you just have to look at them from a certain angle and notice something solemn in each meaningless.

At first glance, the details. The artist not only contemplates a picture of nature, he conveys his own mood and puts his special vision into the landscape.

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Description of the painting by Alexei Savrasov “Sunset over the swamp”