Vinogradov Sergey
Description of the painting by Sergei Vinogradov “Plays”
Since 1910, S. A. Vinogradov, like his associates from the Union of Russian Artists, was seriously fascinated by the theme of the old estates of the Russian Empire. The new trend spawned an extensive
Description of the painting by Sergey Vinogradov “Summer”
The beginning of the 20th century in Russia was characterized by the rapid development of industry. The construction of cities proceeded at a fast pace, and the estate life was a thing of the
Description of the painting by Sergei Vinogradov “In the church”
Russian art has brought up many Russian masters, whose works we can admire to this day. In the years 1880-1889 graduate of the Moscow School of Architecture and Painting. He studied with such teachers
Description of the painting by Sergei Vinogradov “Children”
Vinogradov is one of the Wanderers, and the depiction of the peasant life by him is quite natural. The picture shows the little shepherds, huddled around a fire. Cows graze around – white and
Description of the painting by Sergei Vinogradov “In the house”
One of the famous impressionist artists can be called Sergei Arsenyevich Vinogradov. He mainly painted portraits, landscapes and interior paintings. The artist often described the situation of beautiful estates, the nature of the picturesque
Description of the painting by Sergei Vinogradov “Draws”
Sergey Arsenyevich Vinogradov is a talented impressionist artist. He did not just paint, but expressed his emotions and feelings in them. His works are filled with light and air. He painted pictures about the
Description of the painting by Sergei Vinogradov “Manor”
The great passion of the artist Sergei Vinogradov was drawing old estates. An entire period of his work is devoted to similar landscapes, encompassing nearly twenty years of his life. Together with Stanislav Zhukovsky,