Description of the painting by Nikolai Krymov “Pines”

Description of the painting by Nikolai Krymov Pines

Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is an honored art worker of the RSFSR, a teacher and just a master of landscape. One of his stunning works is an oil painting “Pines”, painted in 1907 on canvas 80×80.

Despite the fact that this picture is not the best of the variety of landscapes painted by Krymov, it still deserves special attention. The canvas is painted in light tones of yellow and green, creating a light and spring-summer atmosphere.

The foreground of the picture is a kind of backstage, formed by rose bushes and tree branches. This colorful and slightly darkened frame creates the necessary contrast with the background of the whole picture.

Immediately after the “backstage” we see a small pond, calm and motionless, in which the surrounding shrubs, covered with pale pink flowers, are reflected.

And now behind the bushes, as if the next tier, we see a golden field, and after it in the distance one can see hills covered by many of those same pines – the main characters of the picture, some of which rise above the rest, showing all their greatness.

Almost half of the picture space is occupied by the blue sky, all covered with snow-white clouds. Amazingly, the painter managed to create an amazing perspective in them: huge and clear near, they become so blurry and tiny in the distance. And looking at this sky and these pines, we understand that these majestic forests stretch all the way to the horizon, which, if desired, cannot be captured on this or any other picture.

The composition, in which there is such a small number of shades and elements, is surprising and striking in its harmony, creating its own special mood. Each color and element for the picture is not chosen by chance and allows you to achieve completeness and peace.

Description of the painting by Nikolai Krymov “Pines”