Description of the painting by Marc Chagall “Walk” (Lovers)

Description of the painting by Marc Chagall Walk (Lovers)

Marc Chagall is one of the founders of surrealism and avant-garde in the world of twentieth-century painting. This person is simply an extraordinary person who had the ability to see simple things and present them to the public in such a way as to be the participants of his works at the same time, and make him think of even a simple philistine of galleries. But the special attention was attracted by the painting called “The Walk”, because, as many professionals believe, he was able to portray himself and his wife in it.

The main question that is sometimes asked by those who have come across this type of art for the first time sounds like this: why do the main characters hover in the air and can’t walk like all other people on the ground? The answer immediately did not take long. After all, the main theme in the paintings of Chagall was love, and, consequently, she to some extent even inspired them.


two characters depicted in the picture, a man and a woman, are very pleased to have met and walk along the street together. After all, love for two is the highest happiness in all the earth. Therefore, even a simple walk can turn into an unforgettable flight over houses and buildings. After all, this is a metaphor, as if love gives wings.

If you look closely and carefully examine the entire “composition” of the picture, you can see that the artist depicted two forces. On the one hand, this is the land located under the feet of Chagall himself, and on the other hand, the sky in which his wife soars.

Thus, lovers with the help of the wings of love are able to soar in the most different corners of their vast region. From this they become above all life and everyday problems, and are able to ignore nothing around. If you look at the faces, it is noticeable that their expression gives out happiness and complete serenity, joy and faith in the beautiful. After all, they were able to overcome terrestrial gravity with the help of wings and terrestrial weightlessness.

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Description of the painting by Marc Chagall “Walk” (Lovers)