Description of the painting by Konstantin Somov “Summer”

Description of the painting by Konstantin Somov Summer

The painting was painted at the beginning of the 20th century, after the October Revolution. In the foreground, two young girls are sitting on a lawn on the bank of a forest stream. The young ladies depicted in the picture are dressed in dresses of the pre-revolutionary era. On their faces, peace, tranquility, light sadness. Girls enjoy the beautiful summer weather. On the legs of the young ladies tight white stockings and leather shoes. In the hands of the ladies hold caps. The expression of the faces of young virgins reserved.

At the feet of the girls sits a little dog. It is not entirely clear whether he came with them or they met him in the forest. The dog sits still. Next to the blonde-haired girl is a summer umbrella that protected her and her friend from the sun. Now they are sitting under the spreading branches of a large tree, which throw a cool shadow on the girls.

In the background you can see a large and beautiful summer forest. The sun’s rays penetrate the tops of the trees, illuminating the green lawns and reflecting in the clear water of the forest stream. In the river, two girls are swimming naked. When you look at the picture, you can feel the unrestrained merriment of these young ladies, they defiantly frolic in the water, not being ashamed of their nudity.

On the far shore sits a naked girl. Perhaps a few minutes ago, she frolicked in the water with her friends, and now got a bit tired, and decided to rest in the shade of a sprawling bush. Girl combing her long dark hair.

The picture is based on contradictions in the behavior of young girls. Representatives of the noble family behave with restraint, simple pleasures of ordinary girls are alien to them. But they would also like to behave freely. From this, their life seems to them dull and uninteresting. And on the cheeks of young ladies a blush appeared from the random evidence of obscene entertainment of ordinary people.

Description of the painting by Konstantin Somov “Summer”