Description of the painting by Konstantin Korovin “Portrait of Chaliapin”

Description of the painting by Konstantin Korovin Portrait of Chaliapin

Familiar with the Impressionist Paris, Konstantin Korovin wrote in this style in 1911 a large portrait of the artist Shalyapin.

The figure of a musical figure appears to the audience sitting on a low chair. A lot of attention was paid to the artist of household painting. A man is surrounded by a French terrace.

In front of him is a table about which Chaliapin leaned on the right side of his body. On a shining white tablecloth, a vase with a bright fresh bouquet of roses in lush greenery is grouped together, a glass exquisite saucer with fruit platter, a beautiful decanter, a large bottle of wine and a glass of red wine.

Fedor Ivanovich dressed in a light suit. He stretched his legs in his arms. The gaze of the wonderful artist is directed to the open window, from where the green bushes of the sunlit plant are visible. A radiant smile illuminates the face of a musician. Clear eyes open towards the outside world.

Later, appreciating the exhibited own portrait, Chaliapin recalls how he tried to keep this charming, artistic smile, posing for Korovin in the process.

The task of the portrait is to transfer the internal, mental state in conjunction with the external form of the person. On the canvas with Fedor Ivanovich, all the details of the character were cut off and only pure emotion – joy – was revealed to us. The Russian painter solved the problem in an unusual and ingenious way.

The musician in Korovin’s work looks young, full of vitality, courageous and stately. The bluish silk bow betrays its artistic nature.

A happy facial expression is generated by the morning freshness of the new day. It seems that the sun was reflected in the face of the man sitting on the veranda, giving him warmth and cheerfulness.

Technique portrait – above all praise. Impressionism is revealed in the dynamic strokes of oil paint, in the successfully caught moment of the bright life of a remarkable artist, whom the artist Korovin admired so much.

Description of the painting by Konstantin Korovin “Portrait of Chaliapin”