Description of the painting by Julius Klever “In the field”

Description of the painting by Julius Klever In the field

Clover differed from other artists in his love and devotion to freedom. He could not graduate from school, classes seemed to him boring and unnecessary. Despite this, the artist gained fame, success and financial independence. The painting “In the Field” reflects the life of rural people and the beauty of nature. Landscapes at Klever worked very well.

Wheat field is realistically depicted, and I want to run through it. The sun’s rays merge with the golden surface of grain ears. The artist stunningly conveyed the play of light and shadows, the day is clear and sunny, fragments of clouds float across the sky. It can be seen that the weather is very hot, but the work will not wait and people cut off the ripe ears.

The infinity of the field shows the expanse of the Russian land and its greatness. A pine forest is seen in the distance, centuries-old pines have strayed together and, like a guard, protect fields

rich in bread. One can see stacks near which people are hiding from the sun. They sat down to rest or maybe have lunch. The artist in the clothes of the workers conveys the identity of the Russian people. Very symbolically depicts a number of working men and women. They work on a par, the work is hard and the sun is still high, but the main thing is to collect the bread on time.

Heavy country life in the summer, you can not hesitate or postpone work for another time. The picture shows the hard work of people and the wealth of the earth. For a while, Clover lived abroad, but returned to Russia at a difficult time for her. He loved these Russian open spaces, looked at the wheat fields and admired simple human labor, which determined the high price of cut grain.

Although the artist lived in abundance, he often turned to the subject of the meaning of an ordinary person in the outside world. What could be more important and more expensive than bread, and yet this bread is heavily mined by ordinary people. The picture calls for the value of human labor.

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Description of the painting by Julius Klever “In the field”