Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Self-portrait”

Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan Self portrait

The artist wrote this self-portrait as a teenager. At this time, he is not yet recognized by all, and the skill has not come to him. Levitan 20 years.

We see a young man with the typically southern features of his strong-willed person. Hair, incredibly wavy, form the whole characteristic cap. Eyes are very huge and inquisitive. The lips are quite full6 and the oval of the face is quite subtle. Who is he Perhaps an Italian or a Greek? This is how we represent the gondoliers of Italy.

We see a man with a stubborn temper. The tilt of his head is special. A man appears in front of us who has already experienced a lot. He survived the death of his loved ones, was starving, he had no means of livelihood. The theme of his paintings will be magnificent nature, the beauty of which he could convey as fully and vividly as possible.

This self-portrait is not a picture, but a light pattern made with charcoal and brush. All this, combined with a very warm tone of the main background, makes it possible to feel that this creation is a real pictorial canvas. It seems that this portrait was painted very quickly, but at the same time as sharply as possible.

Along the edges of the picture are wide brush strokes. But at the same time the head and face are modeled as detailed as possible. They convey all the features, especially the facial expression of the artist.

Self-portrait is as realistic as possible. The viewer sees that the artist is very poor, we also understand that he is a Jew and an artist. The very background of the painting is light. Dark hair and a jacket form a silhouette that stands out on a self-portrait. The face is not highlighted using tone. He is framed by a black beard and hair. The whole image becomes quite romantic, but at the same time dramatic.

The image is as specific as possible, the hand of Levitan is incredibly virtuoso. The viewer feels this fully. The artist wants to express himself, but this desire is not yet realized by him. We very clearly understand that, despite such a young age, we face a real master.

Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Self-portrait”