Even somehow you get lost at the sight of such a female image. You do not know exactly how to determine her condition. On the one hand, it seems that this is an arrogant yoke that can and knows how to behave in society. On the other hand, this is a girl who apparently recently lost someone from the people close to her. And therefore, it seems that her eyes are crying, and therefore a beautiful cap covers a black ribbon. But then why is the second name is spring? Strange.
But the girl, in whatever state she was and whatever she was, is beautiful. And yet about the Spring… Probably, the master hinted that spring is sometimes rainy and even quarrelsome, but at the same time the miracle is both beautiful and young. But there is a third understanding of the state of a girl – in love and the presence of black – the loss of a loved one or temporary separation. Then the ladies had a peculiar technique or skill with gestures or items of costume to hint at the state of mind. And experienced citizens understood what the girl was hinting at.
In the picture, the girl clearly did not want to communicate with someone, at least for the moment. Maybe that’s why it still seems impregnable in this form. Even if so, then the girl should have a good rest from human vanity. This solution is clearly not working. And it only raises the level of tears in her eyes. And yet the mystery here and does not smell. She is simply charming.
Mane, as always, is devoted to himself, that is, to his taste. He again designed everything in the flower scale. And the plants are not only present on the background of the canvas. By the way, they are very thick. Vegetable pattern and dress girls.
Only two things remain monotonous: gloves and an umbrella are pure beige. And at the same time it is impossible to call the canvas bright, it is dampened by the background – all the same, faint green color of plants is enough.
Everything in this canvas is executed flawlessly and correctly.
Description of the painting by Edward Manet “Jeanne” (Spring)