Description of the painting by Alexander Zakharov “Winter”

Description of the painting by Alexander Zakharov Winter

A. N. Zakharov – a bright representative of modern painters, working in the style of classical Russian painting. He established himself as a landscape painter.

The artist accurately conveys the beauty of nature, creates a special mood. His work is alive, with a soul. His canvas “Winter” reflects the beauty of the Russian forest. The place most likely belongs to central Russia, a mixed forest, coniferous trees are combined with birch trees.

In the foreground one can see a snow-covered stream, barely visible under the ice. Water surface here and there looks through, hiding behind the next turn. They ate near the water, and in the distance, nailed together, crouched small birch trees. Winter was snowy, ate down their branches under the weight of snow.

In general, the landscape displays the routine of winter days in the forest. The trees fell asleep during this cold period, everything is covered with a snow blanket and there is a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Everything in work is harmonious, nothing gets out of the picture. Perhaps the artist so accurately conveyed his feelings of winter. It is unlikely that he spent hours at the stream, in an impassable forest.

Most likely, the painter painted from memory, conveying the mood through his world perception. In winter, people often spend time at home, talking about life, relaxing and gaining strength before the blooming spring period.

Such harmony and exudes the canvas, I want to wrap themselves in a warm blanket, drink hot tea and contemplate the frozen moment of a beautiful winter.

The painter very accurately and realistically arranged the shadows and reflections on the snow surface. It seems the presence in this place. Having a fleeting glimpse, one might think that before a contemplator is a photograph, and not a picture.

The work is done in small and precise strokes, which makes the elements of the picture very clear. The color scheme is not distracting from the general background; there are no bright contrasts and motley spots. This technique creates the effect of reality.

Description of the painting by Alexander Zakharov “Winter”