Description of the painting by Alexander Ivanov “Sea” (1850 years)

Description of the painting by Alexander Ivanov Sea (1850 years)

The painting “Sea” was painted by the artist on paper in watercolor. Despite the fact that mainly Alexander Andreevich wrote historical motifs, the theme of the sea is one of the favorites in the work of Ivanov. In the image of nature, the master found consolation for the soul. The work was carried out in the 1850s. Watercolor landscapes Ivanova did not attract particular attention of art lovers. Such an independent landscape of Ivanov, as “The Sea”, is a vivid example of the artist’s natural perception, which is corrected by color.

The entire surface of the sheet of this work is organically designed. Thanks to the execution of the work on paper, watercolor image looks even more transparent. Thin contour lines organically distribute the main mass of the drawing, without closing any borders.

The image reveals a landscape view of the sea from afar. This representation of the image reflects the artist’s high view of the landscape and is of philosophical significance. The image corresponds to a simple human need to mentally move away from nature, to look at it from a distance. The artist gives the viewer the opportunity to consider the general laws of the landscape. The main composition is clearly outlined and does not conflict with the color palette.

The color solution chosen by the master is rather concise. Blue shadows on white paper look especially expressive and give the picture a highlight. Figure has inspired plastic. Looking at the picture you can see the excellent plasticity of the stroke, the abundance of color transition. Jerky strokes give the image the illusion of movement, as if transmitting the waves of the sea surf.

Work on landscapes, the artist saw as an auxiliary lesson on the main historical picture. In spite of everything, Ivanova can be attributed to the number of magnificent landscape painters.

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Description of the painting by Alexander Ivanov “Sea” (1850 years)