Description of the painting by Svyatoslav Roerich “Mikula Selyaninovich”

The painting, which was written by a great master of his craft, reflects the unique vision and perception of the artist. The most famous painting of Roerich is Mikula Selyaninovich, conveying the rich spirit

Description of the painting by Nikolai Sergeev “Fog”

The painting “Fog” by an outstanding Kharkov landscape painter N. A. Sergeeva was written by the author in 1897. An incredible combination of colors, completely unique transitions, an unusual approach of the artist, helped

Description of the painting by Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky “Party (1875 – 1897)”

This picture is in one of the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery. It depicts young people in a dimly lit, small room. The light source is a kerosene lamp, rising from under the lampshade.

Description of the painting by Rafael Santi “Stanza della Senatura”

The “Stanzas” are translated from Italian as rooms – these are the frescoed halls in the Vatican Palace. These premises belong, which brought together on their walls the masterpieces of many artists, the Pope

Description of the painting by Konstantin Somov “Portrait of A. A. Blok”

This is perhaps the most famous portrait of the poet, which you can imagine. He was replicated everywhere and everywhere, and because the face of Blok was known to many. Moreover, unlike the colleague

Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “Lake. Rus “

This last picture of Levitan was painted in 1895. “Lake Rus” – the main work of the painter of the later period. The artist has not completed this creation, as he died. But even

Description of the painting by Marc Chagall “Walk” (Lovers)

Marc Chagall is one of the founders of surrealism and avant-garde in the world of twentieth-century painting. This person is simply an extraordinary person who had the ability to see simple things and present

Description of the painting by Konstantin Makovsky “Mermaids”

The painting of the Russian artist Konstantin Egorovich Makovsky “Mermaids”, created in 1879, at one time made a lot of noise. It was shown at the Mobile Exhibition, which Alexander II himself visited, despite

Description of the painting by Claude Monet “Astra”

Among the works of Monet, there are a large number of still lifes depicting flowers, the painting “Asters”, completed in 1880, it is from this series. By writing such paintings by the French artist

Description of the painting by Vladimir Tatlin “The Model”

Vladimir Tatlin’s painting “The Model” was written in 1913 and became part of a series of works by the author, made especially for the Tretyakov Gallery. This group of works characterizes an artist who
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