Description of the painting by Isaac Brodsky “Church”

Description of the painting by Isaac Brodsky Church

The picture was created by I. I. Brodsky in 1905. The painter preferred landscapes in which he skillfully used the techniques and special motifs characteristic of the works of old masters.

If at an early stage he tried to bring some kind of symbolist type fiction into his creations, then at a later period he already adhered to reality.

Creativity of the painter and remains a mystery to many. This is due to the fact that early Brodsky and Mature are completely different. It is as if two persons live in one person.

“Church” was written by young artists. She is all overflowing with extraordinary joy. All colors are incredibly sunny and cheerful.

One side. A completely ordinary small church appears before the spectator. On the other hand, it creates a feeling of something unreal and unusually fantastic. Before us is like an illustration to some wonderful fairy tale. All colors are deliberately unnatural in their naturalness. The artist skillfully uses the game of light and shadow, highlighting important details and creating something special.

Brodsky was able to find something unusual in everyday. The trees resemble magical plants, in the branches of which fabulous creatures live. At first glance, dark colors do not put pressure on the viewer. The extraordinarily cheerful church of bright yellow color, surrounded by lush greenery, gives a special sound to the whole creation.

The artist carefully draws every detail that is incredibly important. Everything here is symbolic and filled with a special meaning. Habitual to all contemporaries of the artist, and to today’s viewers, things look completely different.

The artist was able to find in simple things that everyone sees almost daily, something that is worthy of becoming the subject of a separate picture. Traditional images have a special fantastic meaning.

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Description of the painting by Isaac Brodsky “Church”