Description of the painting by Alexander Golovin “Flowers”

Description of the painting by Alexander Golovin Flowers

Alexander Yakovlevich Golovin became more famous as a theater artist. He created sketches of scenery for productions in the Imperial Theaters. At the same time, the painter left many masterfully painted portraits.

A special place among the master’s works is still life with flowers. There are not many of them, but these are bright spots that can decorate a dull gray everyday life. Golovin loved flowers, and even drew himself against the background of lush pink and white peonies.

The painting “Flowers” was written in 1912, when Golovin combines the main activities of a theater artist with “drawing for the soul”. He writes canvases relating to easel painting, in which the hand of the master is felt with his characteristic ornate ornamentation.

The image of flowers carries a decorative orientation. The author is a kind of theatrical action. A significant character – a lush bouquet of peonies,

which for the most part have not yet fully opened their buds – is drawn in half. He stands in a black porcelain vase on a gold pedestal. Feeling superior to other heroes, he towers above them and tries to take up more space.

But the artist brings to the forefront smaller figures, more modest in size, but no less attractive by external elegance and beauty. Red and white flowers in pots, stand on a paper sheet, so as not to stain the tablecloth. Pots of different sizes, heroes of different ranks. Front bright red flower, followed by white and burgundy.

The artist combined different plants in one composition: those that grow in the garden in the open air, and those that cannot stand drafts and are in the house. But both are equally beautiful and expressive.

All the smallest details in the image of petals, leaves and stems are clearly displayed by the painter’s hand. Moreover, the flower splendor is emphasized on the background of a yellow decorative curtain with a floral ornament.

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Description of the painting by Alexander Golovin “Flowers”