Friedrich Caspar
Description of the painting by Caspar Friedrich “Swans in the reeds”
Frederick is a famous German artist, romanticist. Like other followers of this trend, he believed that the whole world is enclosed in man, that there is nothing more valuable than man and his personality,
Description of the painting by Caspar Friedrich “Morning”
Frederick is a German artist, one of the main representatives of romanticism. Like all other painters who gave preference to this genre, he put the personality at the forefront as something that could change
Description of the painting by Caspar David Friedrich “Two, contemplating the moon”
Many artists underlined the work of a person from darkness to enlightenment. Naturally, this was expressed on the canvas a little differently than required by the meaning. One of these paintings is the creation
Description of the painting by Caspar David Friedrich “Monk by the Sea”
Frederick always adhered to religious themes – this topic was most interesting and close to him. “Monk by the Sea” – a picture that, along with another (“Abbey in the Oak Forest”), brought him