Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “Amanita”

Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin Amanita

The picture “Amanita” refers to the genre etude – sketches that have a certain sense of incompleteness. Indeed, it comes to mind that the artist painted it with quick strokes under the fleeting impression of untouched nature: its diversity, immediacy, richness of colors.

The main “heroes” of the picture are the family of amanitas, located in the thicket of the forest. Each mushroom is different in size, shape of the cap, color saturation. These features endow them with character. Young mushrooms are strong and perky, with an elastic fleshy cap and snow-white specks. The old-timer can see signs of wilting, cracks.

The surrounding forest is written indistinctly and blurry, with deliberate omission of small details and realism. This creates a beautiful background and sets off the group of amanita agaries. Compared to grass and trees, it is depicted carefully and vividly. Such a contrast attracts attention and delights.

Oil paints amazingly convey the density, complex structure and natural color of the forest. It seems that you can inhale the fragrant smell of foliage and feel the damp coolness of a thick thicket.

The forest has always been a rich “canvas” for Russian folk tales. There was evil in it, and valiant heroes fought against their fears and defeated evil. The fly agaric in turn is a frequent attribute of witchcraft power, conspiracies and transformations.

This feeling creates a picture. The viewer suddenly finds himself in a fabulous, unreal space, where the secret hides. The picture resembles a vision or a dream, a spell superimposed by mysterious forest dwellers, poisonous mushrooms and berries.

The canvas is a pearl among the works of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin and takes pride of place in the Tretyakov Gallery. The painting conveys the artist’s love for his homeland, his ability to see and understand the gentle beauty of Russian nature.

Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “Amanita”