Description of the painting by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin “Mushroom”

Description of the painting by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin Mushroom


This picturesque painting, like most of Shishkin’s landscapes, bears the beauty of Russian nature as the main idea. For the author is characterized by a very strong emphasis in the works on nature, trees, fog, sky, and so on. Those present in the picture mother and son add to her charm. Looking at the morning walk of such bold and hardworking mushroom pickers, one cannot help feeling affection. However, their presence in the landscape bears in itself a character rather complementing the main idea than the main one.

In this landscape, as in all other works of the artist, all the smallest details are clearly traced, starting from the flowers of the grass growing along the path and ending with clouds in the sky. Incredibly realistic, lively and natural picture. Looking at her, it seems as if you are there and feel the morning fresh coolness of the summer forest, hear the chirping of early birds, inhale the intoxicating

aroma of pure, scent-filled pine air grass.

The sky is a bit gloomy, with a lot of dull white clouds. A little mysterious mood of nature is felt: it seems to be raining, but at the same time, it is likely that the sky will clear with the rising of the sun. On the way of going mushroom pickers, the author arranged the puddle left over from precipitation the day before. Even the display of foliage of trees in the muddy water of a puddle is depicted exactly, colorfully and naturally.

It is difficult to imagine a more natural image of nature than in the paintings of Shishkin. This talented “king of the forest”, as fans of landscape creativity call him. And the picture “Mushroom pickers” is no exception. Trees with crowns rustling from the wind, thick grass thickets with and without flowers, a trodden path along which mother and son walk to gather mushrooms, a puddle in their path, broken branches lying on the path, the morning sky – all this is drained together in an incredible true landscape, written by Shishkin.

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Description of the painting by Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin “Mushroom”