Description of the painting by Franz Marc “Pigs”

Description of the painting by Franz Marc Pigs

As seen in the picture, it is made in the style of expressionism with a small amount of symbolism. This canvas, like a number of similar ones, speak of an entire animal world, the images of which were inspired and even endowed with features similar not to a person, not to someone else.

Basically, Franz Marc paid great attention to animals because the world of people, in his understanding, was ugly, and he could not write people in his paintings, because of strong repulsive feelings, thus the artist writes exclusively animals, since he considered their most pure representatives of the living world. It is worth noting that expressionism is so characteristic, as some part of the subjective-introversion perception, this is exactly how a painting called “Pigs” appears to the viewer.

In fact, despite the complexity of writing a picture, its essence and meaning is quite simple. It is safe to say that the blue pig can personify the masculine, the red color most likely personifies not the feminine, as you might think, but the pressure of heavy and coarse matter, while yellow just means feminine.

In this canvas, impressionism is closely intertwined with a sufficiently large realistic painting, which is quite an innovative approach.

The picture does not speak directly about the feelings and emotions of the artist, everything is done quite symbolically, so the master leaves the viewer the opportunity to independently reveal the secret of each canvas.

The work conceals the meaning of the canvas itself, but this does not mean at all that it is done, without transmitting emotions and meaning. The picture adds brightness and color, the background, which is perfectly matched when interacting with the general background and the colors that are used for this.

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Description of the painting by Franz Marc “Pigs”