Description of the painting by Boris Kustodiev “Winter”

Description of the painting by Boris Kustodiev Winter

B. M. Kustodiev devoted a number of unique canvases to the description of winter landscapes. As an artist optimistic and focused on the best aspects of life, he was interested in vivid celebrations and folk fun.

The painting “Winter” in 1916 belongs to the series of works “Maslenitsa”. In other embodiments, the canvas of the Russian artist shows crowded celebrations in honor of the wires of winter. “Winter. 1916 “- abbreviated sample of the provincial life of the Russian people against the backdrop of a snow-covered landscape.

Boris Mikhailovich’s masterpieces are colorful as gingerbread houses. In the presented picture striking elegant carts. The young ladies rosy from a frost look out from sledge. They are covered with a scarlet blanket. The back of the cart is painted with a bouquet of roses. Even the horse appears in rich attire: surrounded by gold and flowers.

A group

of villagers settled down: they were having fun, echoing harmonies in a dance game. On the left, small figures of people rolling down the hill are noticeable. If you look deep into the picture, we notice the adjustments of the urban type and the main square. The architecture is represented by the tops of church buildings.

From the side closest to the spectators, distinct traces of a man appear in the snow. So, the picture as if calling us to join the winter fun: play snowballs, ride on a sled, smiling biting frost on the cheeks.

The trees bloomed with snow flowers. The sky is turning pink from the dawn, seeing off a flight of birds flying away. It creates the impression of bright joy and serene happiness when looking at the winter of Kustodiev.

While singing life in all its manifestations, the Russian artist shares with the audience his love for national motives and traditions. Russia’s original hinterland is seen to us as jubilant, pure as white snow and blooming with embroidered scarves of women.

People enjoy harmony with the surrounding nature, which in return presents us with picturesquely beautiful landscapes.

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Description of the painting by Boris Kustodiev “Winter”