Description of the painting by Boris Kustodiev “Beauty”

Description of the painting by Boris Kustodiev Beauty

Boris Kustodiev painted this picture in 1915. A magnificent Russian beauty, a well-known artist of the theater of that time, agreed to pose for the artist. In the center of the picture is a real Russian beauty in the body. She is full of strength and energy, her body radiates health, and her delicate white skin is slightly tinted with the blue of a white sheet.

It is important to pay attention to the pose of the girl, she is by no means depraved, but on the contrary even chaste. The heroine of the picture boldly observes the work of the artist, does not feel embarrassed. She covers her magnificent chest with her right hand, the artist has depicted a precious ring on the ring finger of this hand.

The use of bright, saturated colors is remarkable for this picture. The picture is literally replete with a riot of used paints. It should be noted that the scrupulousness with which the author painted the details of the interior of the room. Behind the girl is a very beautiful blue wallpaper, on which is applied a very precise and beautiful symmetrical pattern, namely, a bright red bouquet of roses.

Overlapping with the scarlet color of the young beauty’s lips and her bright blue eyes. It should be noted ruddy skin tone and fairly regular features. Long, with a golden sheen, hair gathered back in a graceful bun, and precious earrings emphasize the incredible beauty of the face.

Pay attention to the satin blanket. With what amazing accuracy the artist managed to embody his magnificent texture and elegant lace in the picture. It creates the impression that the young lady has only pushed him away with her bushy legs and is about to stand up from her soft bed. What an abundance of colors the author uses to image colors on the bed. Bright red, blue and green shades are ideally combined with each other.

Description of the painting by Boris Kustodiev “Beauty”