Description of the painting by Alexander Benois “Summer Garden under Peter the Great”

Description of the painting by Alexander Benois Summer Garden under Peter the Great

Tsar-father, reformer of Russia Peter Alekseevich Romanov invented fun for his subjects. Or rather, something like a punishment. Not accustomed to local nobles to the promenade. And as he did not at first drive them out of the house, at first it was impossible to inculcate this habit in the evening – to walk in the evenings in parks and gardens. And then, having become the emperor of Russia, Peter the Great issued a decree that “if anyone does not make the evening promenade, then so will be said in the Secret Chancellery.” It must be said was worse than hard labor. And no one wanted to get “on the canine” secret investigators.

Therefore, all with fear were walking through the magnificent Petrovsky Park – the Summer Garden. And goes to the promenade accounted for the whole family, as well as at the “grandchild” or assembly. The emperor himself, too, sometimes walked through the garden, at

the same time looking at who and how to execute his order. Of course, the case was not reached by the secret office, if the person where he hesitated and was a little late for the boardwalk, but he accepted the comic punishment. True and it was not sweeter than hard labor, it was a kind of humiliation in front of everyone.

On the canvas of Benoit, Peter’s walk with his retinue in the Summer Garden is depicted. Peter himself is visible, though from the back; and his retinue, which goes after him and catches his every word. And little Carls, Lilliputians-fools, also walked along with their retinue. And next you can see the garden workers who supported the park in order: who sweeps, who mows the bushes. The main thing is that the emperor liked it, the rest does not count.

Over time, the summer garden in St. Petersburg has become a favorite place for citizens. Here lovers met, newlyweds strolled here, then old people recalled their youth. In this garden, the imperial family, both under Peter and after him, often organized parties, as well as for those close to him, and for the common people. He still remains the same favorite of the St. Petersburg people.

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Description of the painting by Alexander Benois “Summer Garden under Peter the Great”