For many art lovers, Kramskoy is associated with peasants. He is one of the few artists who skillfully imprinted on the canvas the individual characters of their heroes. The Peasant with a Bridle of
In Russia, there are many monuments. But there are among them the most popular. Why it happens? Judge for yourself. Popular monuments can become when they evoke emotions in people. Well, how can you
All paintings by Marc Chagall are symbolic. He immerses the viewer in a certain surreal world with features of the ordinary world of things. All his canvases report that there is little time in
Jacopo Robusti (pseudonym Tintoretto, which means “little dyer”) was born and raised in Venice. He got his nickname because of his father, the dyer of silk. The love for drawing in little Jacopo manifested
Serov Valentin is known more as a graphic artist, portrait painter. In 1905, he painted the “Model” about which more and more speculation goes around every year – who is depicted in the painting?
According to the biblical commandments, after his death, Jesus went to hell and smashed the gates that held everyone who was there. He came there to allow the prisoners there to rise with him.
Cosimo Tura was born presumably in 1430. He became one of the brightest Italian painters, who founded the Ferrara school of painting. Unfortunately, most of the artist’s works were lost, but some of them
The portrait was created in a rather freestyle manner. She is impressionistic. Renoir was able to create the image of a fragile, romantic girl, which is permeated with an instant of incredible freshness. The
One of the most recognized authors of Russian pictorial history is A. P. Ryabushkin in the last time of his life, despite the fact that he was very sick, felt a strong inspiration. During
V. Surikov is considered a clairvoyant, he depicted his knowledge on a canvas. The artist was not like anyone, his career was interrupted for a long time. The work “Healing the Blindborn” was the