Description of the painting by Vladimir Stozharov “Still Life with Bread”

Stozharov subtly felt the perspective in its historical embodiment, understood the traditions of the people. All his still lifes are saturated with rich colors. This is a real celebration of the spirit of the

Description of the painting by Konstantin Makovsky “Visiting the poor”

Vladimir Makovsky had an outstanding talent and a fine sense of humor. Many of his works make you smile, even if your heart is heavy and sad. However, humor is not all. The artist’s

Description of the painting by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin “Girls on the Volga”

The painting “Girls on the Volga” was a discovery for the artist who discovered the world of “everyday life”. Admitting later to the writers, having tried an unusual style for themselves, he was keenly

Description of the painting by Henri Matisse “Madame Matisse”

The painting “Madame Matisse” was painted by the artist in 1907. Here he depicted his wife – Madame Matisse. It must be said that when the canvas was presented for public viewing, the society

Description of the painting by Claude Monet “Alley”

This artist has always turned out amazingly beautiful and at the same time bright paintings. Even if something very dark was depicted, it still gave hope for something bright in the future. So it

Description of the painting by Ilya Repin “Protodeacon”

Ordinary portrait of Protodeacon I. Ulanov from Chuguev, the most famous artist Ilya Repin, skillfully turned the satirical image of a deacon, typical of that time, with great life potential, but without spirituality and

Description of the painting by Wassily Kandinsky “Contrast sounds”

There is an opinion that Kandinsky Vasily was a synesthet. This means that he had one simply unique quality – acoustic-color synesthesia. This characterizes the ability of a person to see a melody as

Description of the painting by Edward Manet “Balcony”

The museum that inspired Manet to create her well-known painting became the artist Berthe Morisot. They met in 1868 and already in the fall Bertha begins to pose for the artist for an image.

Description of the painting by Boris Kustodiev “Self-portrait”

Kustodiev is a Russian artist who, with all his appearance, always was qualitatively different from the rest. Indeed, looking at his self-portrait, it is immediately clear that a real Russian peasant appeared before the

Description of the painting by Konstantin Makovsky “Tamara and the Demon”

The picture was released in 1889. The title of the picture shows its source code – the depicted figures are characters in a literary work. Romantic poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “The Demon” was
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