Description of the painting by Pavel Chistyakov “Beggars children”

Chistyakov Pavel is an artist whom artist Valentin Serov called his only teacher, who succumbed to stable laws of form. Pavel Chistyakov comes from a family of serfs who belonged to landowner A. Tyutchev.

Description of the painting by Frans Hals “Gypsy”

Khals is a great Dutch artist, who in his lifetime was still a rowdy. His case was the one in which the genius does not value his genius at all, loves to jam in

Description of the painting by Mikalojus Čiurlionis “Funeral Symphony”

The cycle of paintings created in 1903. Čiurlionis was a science fiction painter. But the most suitable word for defining his painting is phantasmagoria. The artist creates a real cosmos in which sounds, colors

Description of the painting by Paul Cezanne “Pierrot and Harlequin”

Creating a canvas “Pierrot and Harlequin”, Paul Cézanne created the story, which is dedicated to the celebration of Mardi Gras. This is the last day of the Maslenitsa festivities on the eve of the

Description of the painting by Pablo Picasso “Farmersha”

The work was published in 1908 in two versions, where one woman is depicted to the waist, and the second one shows her in full growth. The history of this painting tells of a

Description of the painting by Pablo Picasso “Pigeons”

Pablo Picasso was born in Spain, worked in France, and his work belongs to the world. But not to that real, customary, tangible sense organs, but turned inside out, simplified to primitiveness, chaotic and

Description of the painting by Isaac Levitan “The first green. May”

The picture was painted in the period from 1883 to 1888 in oil on canvas. Landscapes Levitan – this is deep, filled with color paintings. Only he has the ability to combine the contrasts

Description of the painting by Ivan Shishkin “Seashore”

In Shishkin’s later works, as well as in this version, the master achieves an ever deeper softness of transmitting not only the emotional state, but also the image itself, as the integrity of the

Description of the painting by Alexei Savrasov “Rye”

The well-known landscape painter Savrasov, on the eve of important changes in life, foreseeing and foreshadowing them, writes a rather difficult for perception picture – “Rye”, in which all heavy thoughts that stirred the

Description of the painting by Wassily Kandinsky “Cutting Line”

The cutting line of Wassily Kandinsky is a vivid example of abstract art. This painting bears the characteristic features of a geometric style in the artist’s work, inherent in all his works of the
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